Designing a course builder that accelerates creators' workflows


Design Lead






Concept, UI/UX design, prototype


Creator economy


The COVID-19 pandemic witnessed a remarkable surge in online learning and the creator economy. With more creators seeking alternative income sources and the ability to connect with audiences online, the creator economy became a thriving ecosystem. Creators, who were once reliant on revenue from Youtube Adsense or sponsorships, found that online courses offered an opportunity to monetise their expertise and engage their dedicated communities. Graphy's journey began in the midst of this boom, and our innovative approach to course-creation played a pivotal role in empowering creators.

The problem

At Graphy, we faced a formidable challenge: our course-creation process was cumbersome and time-consuming. Creators needed extensive preparation before even signing-up on the platform, resulting in a significant loss of potential customers— the process had a rigid sequence of over 20 steps that overwhelmed creators. Creating this input typically took months of work. Moreover, there was no clear visualisation of what their final course might look and feel like.
Competitors at the time included Teachable, Kajabi, Podia, etc. All their course-creation flows had a rigid sequential process.

Insights from speaking with creators

Creator personas that we needed to cater to

Creation is a non-linear process. Any creative process is a meandering journey. Content creators have to think about curriculum, value addition, lead-generation, marketing, sales—sometimes all at the same time.
Creators need to validate a course upfront.
Before exercising the effort of creating learning material and a curriculum for a course, it was important that creators find out if there was interest to buy from potential learners.
Creators get paid only after their course is published and bought.
Platforms allowing creators to create their courses and only then share it meant they got paid after months of work.

Our challenge was to redefine course-creation

With this undertaking, we wanted to—
  • Pitch Graphy's value over other more established course-builders
  • Present a complex flow with clarity and simplicity
  • Help them market their course early so they can gauge interest from their audience
  • Provide a way for creators earn upfront and early in their course-creation journey
With this undertaking, we wanted to—
  • Pitch Graphy's value over other more established course-builders
  • Present a complex flow with clarity and simplicity
  • Help them market their course early so they can gauge interest from their audience
  • Provide a way for creators earn upfront and early in their course-creation journey
With this undertaking, we wanted to—
  • Pitch Graphy's value over other more established course-builders
  • Present a complex flow with clarity and simplicity
  • Help them market their course early so they can gauge interest from their audience
  • Provide a way for creators earn upfront and early in their course-creation journey

Outcomes for creators

  • Creators were easily able to use the tool and understand Graphy's USP
  • Creators were able to market their course, gauge community interest quickly
  • Creators were able to earn upfront

Impact on Graphy

  • The time to publish a course was cut down from 1 month to under 1 minute
  • Time spent by customer support teams per potential customer was cut significantly
  • Rapid growth in creators signing-up to Graphy to launch their courses

A course landing page in 1, 2, 3

After multiple iterations and prototypes, we arrived at a simple yet transformative solution—with only 3 inputs (course title, a short description, and price) creators could instantly create an elegant course landing page on Graphy. Creators could publish and share this landing page within minutes.
If the creator found value in the course, they could continue to build their course at their own pace. Graphy would updated the landing page with new information automatically, and notify anyone who had signed up for the course.

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